Hi there, i’m Allison!

I am a vulnerability coach & a breathwork facilitator who has spent several years developing herself spiritually, releasing grief and using vulnerability & her breath to connect to herself and others on a deeper level. 

Being through the traumatic loss of my partner of eleven years, I am using my lived experiences along with therapeutic techniques to inspire you to make peace with past traumas and step into your unique power. 

I am truly passionate about coaching individuals to cultivate vulnerability and nurture their self-confidence, self-knowledge & self-love.

My life mission is to guide you to find beauty in every situation and take control of your life by discovering your true self and through the power of your own breath.

I am certified in Transformational Breathwork, NLP, Hypnosis, T.I.M.E. Techniques, EFT, Positive Psychology and Life and Success Coaching.










My why

I was finally standing on my own and I felt surprisingly empowered coming to the realization that even if I could not control the weather or prevent bad things from happening, I could control my own choices and the way I react to any event. And here was my first lesson of wisdom: happiness is a decision. The outlook we have on life is a decision.

Through this traumatic lived experience, I have learnt so many valuable lessons that I would love to share with you.

Showing up as my most authentic self and committing to live in my personal truth every single day have unleashed a power that I didn’t know existed within me. From now on, I have decided that the only way I could live my life was by using vulnerability as a fuel. This is what I intend to awaken within you through my own method of coaching and what I truly wish for you !

From my heart 🫢 to yours.


Wisdom, a word I have learned to appreciate and comprehend as I get older. A word that I believe can only be fully understood through life experiences. Yes, we all have a personal story, our own journey. And it is through this everyday learning that we build strength, courage, and resilience.

Well, unlike most of us, I was lucky enough not to have experienced any massive changes in my life until a stormy day of November 2017… I was 32 years old, having the best time on holidays with my partner of 11 years, Denis, my beloved fiancΓ©, when he was suddenly struck by lightning right in front of me as he was coming to shore from a surfing lesson.

Let me tell you that with that flash of light, my whole world suddenly changed. I woke up the next day out of myself, out of my body. At the time, living without him seemed impossible. The shock was earth-shattering.   

But slowly slowly, day after day, months after months, years after years, resilience showed up. With a tremendous amount of effort and the help of my loved ones, I lately but surely picked myself up and put my feet back on the ground.



Download your free clarity workbook to help you discover hidden parts of yourself.

Through coaching and journaling exercices, you will gain clarity on your goals and values.

This guide will also inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone.

Clarity workbook

β€œIt is not the strongest species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.”

β€” Charles Darwin